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Work » Novels » Fra Junoy o l'agonia dels sons (Fra Junoy or the agony of sounds)

Fra Junoy o l'agonia dels sons (Fra Junoy or the agony of sounds)

Fra Junoy o l'agonia dels sons (Fra Junoy or the agony of sounds)

Ed. 62, B. 1984. Ed. Proa, B. 1998

The organist monk at the convent of Sant Aniol is sent to La Ràpita monastery as the nuns' father confessor. That's when the problems really start.


  • Premi Prudenci Bertrana, 1983
  • Premi de la Crítica Serra d'Or, 1985
  • Premi de la Crítica Catalana, 1985

Translations of Fra Junoy o l'agonia dels sons (Fra Junoy or the agony of sounds)

Agonia dźwięków
Agonia dźwięków
Trad: Anna Sawicka.
Wydawnictwo Marginesy.
Warszawa, 2017

Fray Junoy o la agonía de los sonidos
Fray Junoy o la agonía de los sonidos
Trad: Concha Cardeñoso Sáenz de Miera
Ed. Destino
Barcelona, 2016.

Junoy barát, avagy a hangok halála
Junoy barát, avagy a hangok halála
Trad: Tomcsányi Zsuzsanna.
Európa Könyvkiadó.
Budapest, 2009.

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Jaume Cabré

Jaume Cabré holds a degree in Catalan Philology from the University of Barcelona, is a high school head of department currently on study leave and is a member of the Philology Section of the Institut d'Estudis Catalans.

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